
RoleResearch, ideation, visual design, interaction design

Recognition2023 D&AD New Blood | Pencil Winner (Wood)

Jaeho Yi, Jungmin Kim
Feb. - Mar. 2022
Skydive is an app enabling users to seamlessly interact with other viewers and the Sky Original content via community and live chat.


Design a new way for people to interact with must-see Sky Original entertainment content. How can Sky bring technology and entertainment together to create experiences for traditional media that go beyond just a destination you visit on your TV, computer or mobile phone?


Through dedicated research, I acquire knowledge from trustworthy sources and have developed guiding principles that define "what/how it should be".

Today, people are adept multitaskers who frequently use their phones while watching TV.

Three-quarters of the British population use a connected device while watching TV, a trend that rises to 93% in the under 25 age range, according to a new report from Google.

Goodfellow, Jessica. "Three-quarters of British population use a second screen while watching TV, study finds." Media Reporter, February 27, 2017.︎︎︎

In recent years, using mobile devices while watching television has become a common activity. This concurrent use of multiple media is known as media multitasking. Int he UK, communications regulator Of comfound that 53% of UK adults reported that they regularly media multitasked in 2013, and a 2014 report showed that 99% of adults media multitask at some point during the week, for an average of 2 hours and 3 minutes everyday.

Rigby, J. M., Brumby, D. P., Gould, S. J. J., & Cox, A. L. (2017). "Media Multitasking at Home: A Video Observation Study of Concurrent TV and Mobile Device Usage." UCL Interaction Centre, University College London, London︎︎︎

They frequently turn to third-party services to further explore content, seeking deeper insights and information, such as YouTube, Reddit, or Twitter.

41% of Millennials check online ratings, such as IMDb, while moviegoers use social media to share opinions; 81% prefer Facebook, with 34% using Twitter.

Nielsen. "Two Thumbs Up: Moviegoing at a Theater Near You." 2013 American Moviegoing report, March 2014,︎︎︎

77% of Generation Z in the US rely on social media as their primary source of information for upcoming movies and TV shows.

Statista Research Department. (2023). Gen Z's sources of information about movies and TV shows in the U.S. 2022.︎︎︎

Key Features

How it works

About Sky

Sky is a British broadcaster and telecommunications company that provides television and broadband Internet services, and produces its own Sky Original Content in the UK.

Why Sky Go?

Sky has a decent platform ‘Sky Go’ with the potential to interact more deeply with users, but it is infamous among current users for its limited functionality and uncomfortable interface.

User Persona

Expected effect

Deeper Immersive Connection with Sky Original Content

Beyond one-way communication content, viewers can deeply engage with Sky’s content by chatting and being a part of the community.

Make Sky Trending on Social Networks

Live chats and online communities spawn memes and trends. Sky Dive enables easy meme creation, sparking virality across networks.

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